Thursday, February 12, 2009

What is Apologetics?

Last week at K-Life we asked some of our kids what Apologetics means and we got a variety of answers. Some of these replies were “a hit song by One Republic,” “the history of the war god Apollo,” and “the science of being sorry.” Although some did answer correctly, we were surprised on how so many of our students haven’t even heard of the word Apologetics. Now I consider myself pretty down to earth so I came into the assumption that not everyone would have a particular knowledge of the arguments within apologetics, but to have little understanding of the nature of this branch of Theology was disheartening. So what is the purpose of Apologetics and where does its purpose lie within the spectrum of theology?

There are three components of theology. The first one is Polemic Theology. The word polemic comes from the Greek word polemikós which means “to war.” Polemic Theology is then theology which is done in a warlike manner speaking against those whom you disagree with. This type of theology is done inside of the church, usually done in showing the error of thought or doctrine towards another believer or another denomination. Sadly this type of theology has been prevalent the majority of church history and has done more the divide the body of Christ than unite it. However, this type of theology is important when heresy is entering to the church and dividing it. The second type of theology is Irenic Theology. Irenic Theology is the opposite of Polemic because it is theology that is done peaceably. It accurately represents all views and doctrines even when you oppose them. This is the type of theology that I use most often when I teach. That doesn’t mean that you don’t study the “holes” and problems with a particular system of beliefs, but you have to accurately represent that branch of theology. The last branch of theology is Apologetics. We get the word Apologetics from the Greek word apologētikos which means “suitable for defense.” And that is exactly what Apologetics is, it’s theology that is done to defend the faith against those who oppose outside of the Church.

Peter tells us in his first letter to “…always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..” (1 Peter 3:15). Skeptics out there bring up really good questions. If we don’t have the original manuscripts of the Bible, how can we trust we have and what it says about Christ and God? If God is good then why is their evil, and is that God really worth worshiping? These are great objections that dive into the heart of Christianity. And as the great Apologetic Norman Geisler said if we can’t answer these questions “then we may as well believe in fairy tales.” The truth is we have some great answers to these questions. The problem that arises though, do you know them? Do you even know of a book that you can use a resource when these questions come. Because all too often, I know of students who get sheltered their whole life from opposing views, but when they go to college and they experience the full force of these arguments. These students don’t know that we have great answers in response.

Want a great Apologetic resource book? Then check out Norman L Geisler’s “When Skeptics Ask” as well as Lee Strobel’s “A Case for Christ.”


seriouslymere said...

one republic! that was my answer...thanks for calling me out. gosh.

Tulsa K-Life said...

Is it to late to apologize? OH OH OH!

Anonymous said...

another great book is, "The Reason for God" by Tim Keller

Unknown said...

i have found that apologetics not only helps in defending your faith, but can also help in defining what your faith is.

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2009年3月11日 下午 12:04